
Thursday, September 6, 2012

Road Trip

The Ultimate Road Trip..who doesn't want to travel the country, stopping as often as you want with no time limit and no real end point. To make the idea of a cross country road trip even better, you add a 1970's shaggin' wagon that will probably cause you more headache than anything...but whats a good road trip without an unreliable vehicle? Next summer I am planning a trip to one of the following..Europe..Australia..or cross country road trip (tough decision right?). All of these trips would be 6-8 weeks long, involve me quitting my job and possibly ending in financial ruin..but all in all I see no real downside to this decision. Not to mention that this quest is TOTALLY bucket list worthy and most certainly "something to tell the grandkids." I've always considered myself kind of..well cheap and careful when it comes to my whole world can come crashing down from one bad day of overspending due to unrealistic hysteria that I will never overcome the devastating $50 I just spend at walgreens on nail polish. Needless to say that this extravagant trip is waaayyy out of my confort zone...spend every penny I have to not shower for days and possible get attacked by inbreeds in the mountains of montana..anyone would be crazy not to want to do that??? I must say though that I have a friend that has experienced some pretty cool stuff in her life and while she may not be able to afford the finer things in life..she has had more adventure than most people ever will...and if thats not motivation to live fast and experience life...then I really don't know what is.