
Saturday, October 20, 2012

Say Goodbye to Junk Food

So this might have been one of my best ideas yet (NOT!)  I decided to ask my brother in law, (who by the way runs 10 miles a day as a warm up to his regular work out) to design a fitness plan for me to shed a few pounds before my trip to Mexico in November. Now I am not super work-out woman by ANY means, but I stay fit, so I figured whats the big deal? I can handle it! Man was I wrong! I have been doing this program for 5 days so far, I can't drink pop, eat sugar, carbs, dairy ect...(in excess of course) That was my main diet! I have been living off of salad with no dressing and chicken breast. Is anybody aware that this is not a satisfying way of living life. I mean seriously, I work at a Mexican Restaurant surrounded by THE most unhealthy food choices and here I am drinking a protein shake trying not to have a complete break down everytime a burritto passes by me. The diet isn't even the most difficult part though, the workout might ACTUALLY kill me. Lunges, squats, push ups, burpees and mt climbers OOOOHHH MY! Does any one know what "set to fail means"? It means that you do these exercise until you physically can't. What happened to sets and reps? Apparently that is not nearly hard core enough to count your reps, but instead, do so many that your bones break and you can't move for a week. But on the plus side, I am no longer in denial of my physical abilities, I am completely and totally convinved that I am not hard core, and people who thoroughly enjoy this type of torture are just plain crazy! Let's just hope that the constant limping and crazy diet pays off and I feel like wonder woman in the next few weeks! Get Fit, Stay Fit!

1 comment:

  1. Girl! I am so proud of you, because there is no way I could do anything if I was supposed to go until I couldn't do it anymore. I miss you like crazy!!!! Oh, and I nominated you for this award on my blog ( go and check it out! Should help bring in some followers!
